Date: Friday, 24 August 2018 at 3:04 pm
To: Ray Norman <>
Cc: Mayor <>
Subject: RE: QVMAG Strategic Directions
Thanks for your interest in these important matters Mr Norman.
At this stage I can only confirm my earlier advice that the Towards a Cultural Strategy document prepared by Robyn Archer AO remains an internal working document . The document was considered by the Council at its meeting on 24 April 2017 (Agenda item 21.1) and a link to the agenda is provided as follows: Similarly, the report which has been prepared by Hirst Projects is also an internal working document which will not be released at this time.
I can advise that Hirst Projects will be furthering their initial work and will be producing the City's inaugural Cultural Strategy over the next few months. This process will involve strong community engagement. Robyn Archer will also continue her consulting role on the project. I encourage you to participate in this engagement process, the details of which will be publicised in the near future.
The above-mentioned document are informing the development of the Cultural Strategy which will be completed and released by the end of the year. This Strategy document will provide the information you are seeking and I ask for your patience to enable the Council to complete this important work.
From: Ray Norman <>
Sent: Thursday, 23 August 2018 8:55 PM
To: Michael Stretton <>
Cc: Mayor <>; Peter Gutwein [Minister Local Govt.] <>; Rebecca White MP <>; Auditor General [Tas] <>
Subject: QVMAG Strategic Directions
Sent: Thursday, 23 August 2018 8:55 PM
To: Michael Stretton <>
Cc: Mayor <>; Peter Gutwein [Minister Local Govt.] <>; Rebecca White MP <>; Auditor General [Tas] <>
Subject: QVMAG Strategic Directions
Dear Michael Stretton,
You are no doubt aware that I have an ongoing research interest in the QVMAG in the context of its ‘placedness’ and consequently its governance. You may also recall that some time ago I requested a copy of what is euphemistically referred to as the ‘Robin Archer Report’ that apparently articulates a way forward for the QVMAG. Back then it seems that you, via Duncan Campbell, invoked SECTION 62 of the Local Govt Act informing me “the Robyn Archer report [I am seeking] cannot be released to [me] as an active disclosure under the Right to Information Act 2009 ("the Act")….. and …. “It is the General Manager's view that it is an internal working document.”
Presumably, those circumstances no longer pertain. Indeed, quite a bit has changed relevant to the document and the QVMAG’S ‘strategic purposefulness’. Curiously, it is rumoured that there is no such document albeit that Richard Mulvaney held a wad of papers aloft at a public meeting declaring that it was in his hand and intimating that it was confidential but indicating, paraphrased, ‘that in good time we’d all be able to see it’. So, this document is much speculated upon given that it is also being speculated that it cost Launceston’s ratepayers something in the order of $50K plus – these days such consultancies typically do. Indeed, I seem to recall Richard Mulvaney lamenting the cost of the consultancy to the QVMAG’S budget at the public meeting and mentioning that figure.
Given the conflicting ‘stories’ coming out of Council, the speculation in regard to:
· the brief to which the Robyn Archer report was written in response to;
· the substance of her recommendations in regard to that brief; and
· the cost/value of the report in the context of ratepayers’ conscripted funding of the QVMAG as an operation;
it is appropriate that there is considerable interest in this report along with a raft of of other QVMAG issues.
Likewise, Hirst Project’s report and its recommendations is generating similar interest. To suggest, as it has been put to me, that these things are trivial matters and appropriately confidential and “none of my business” given the context. You might imagine, given that I’m writing to you now, that I hold another view – and I believe legitimately so.
Given what, indeed all that the ratepayers and residents of Launceston have invested in the QVMAG as an operation and as an institution, it’s governance and management is of great interest. Likewise, Tasmania’s taxpayers via State Govt. line item funding plus the institution’s sponsors and donors who at various times over the QVMAG’s 125 plus years of history have contributed to the institutions collections, research, programing – individually and collectively – come together with ratepayers to form the institution’s ‘Community of Ownership and Interest’.
Where we are right now, and especial because we are on the cusp of an election, I put it to you that ‘accountability and transparency’ matters a great deal. Also, the matters I refer to are far from being trivial issues. In fact, I draw your attention to Council’s “Mission and Values” – – along with the Minister’s Guide to Good Governance relative to local government –
Given the backgrounding I am putting to you here and the passing of time I look forward to your prompt response to my requests. Unless, I receive your response by the close of business by the close of business tomorrow – Friday August 24 – I intend to seek advice as to how I might receive the information I’m seeking.
Yours sincerely,
Ray Norman
Ray Norman
The lifestyle design enterprise and research network
PH: 03-6334 2176
40 Delamere Crescent Trevallyn TAS. 7250
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” Thomas Paine
“The standard you walk past is the standard you accept” David Morrison
Disclaimer: Whilst all due care and attention has been given to the compilation of this report, no responsibility is accepted for any errors or omissions that may have occurred. Nor should this report be considered as constituting professional advice. Parties wishing to use or act on any of the contents of this report are advised to seek their own, independent advice before doing so.
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